pest control Virginia

Pest Control Management Tips for Summer


With a hot summer on the way, it’s time to start thinking about pest control management. You want your family enjoying the weather outside, not locked inside retreating from pests. As temps warm up, here are some helpful tips to manage pest control and insect issues in your yard so you can enjoy being outside.

According to NPMA’s team of entomologists, warm and wet spring and summer conditions predicted for much of the U.S. will contribute to spikes in pest populations nationwide.

2021 also brings with it the emergence of Brood X cicadas, the largest brood of 17-year periodical cicadas in the U.S., across 15 states. “In addition to heightened pest problems due to favorable weather conditions, almost one-third of the U.S. will also bear witness to the emergence of billions of Brood X cicadas from May through August.

If your home has been invaded by unwanted pests this summer, you are not alone. With the warmer temperatures and increased humidity in the air, it’s an ideal time for mosquitoes, roaches, fleas, ticks and other little critters to come out of hiding and take over.

In order to avoid suffering from pest infestations or being bitten or stung while trying to get rid of them, there are a few pest control management ideas that homeowners can do during these hot months.

Many species of insects are active and looking for food, water, or shelter. These pests may enter your home through cracks, walls, holes near plumbing pipes under sinks, windows and doorways.

To avoid insect intruders, take the following precautions:

  • Keep doors and windows closed when not in use to prevent incoming pests from entering. Seal any cracks or gaps that might allow pests inside
  • Check screens on windows or doors for any holes
  • Apply insect repellent to legs before going into tall grasses where ticks might hide
  • Clean up outdoor eating areas at night as well as pet’s feeding stations to discourage roaches and ants
  • Repair any damage done to roofs, ceilings, or walls near exterior entry points like basements, crawlspaces, porches
  • It is recommended that homeowners check their homes monthly or have a pest control program in place with a pest control company. Monthly preventative measures can be implemented for every seasonal pest challenge.
  • Keep grass short and shrubs around your home tidy. Tidy up the landscape and keep dead leaves and yard waste clean, as these can harbor flies and mosquitoes.
  • Look for wasp nests under eaves or around your home. Keeping nests away from your home will help keep wasps from coming in
  • If you have an abundance of flies around your home, using fly traps sticky flypaper can work well, not to mention they are safe (non-toxic) and disposable.
  • Many pest experts agree that prevention is best, so don’t give insects a food source or a good reason to stick around. Keep food storage containers tightly shut and never leave food out or dirty dishes in the sink.

The best way to get rid of pests quickly and permanently is to combine many types of pest control treatments and prevention methods. Start with the use of a trap or other insect-killing treatments to deal with the immediate problem, then move on to incorporating repellents and natural solutions to keep insects away. Once you know how to get rid of pests and they are out of your home, start preventative measures to keep them away for good.


How to Protect Your Property from Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks can be a huge problem for your pet, but they are also a big concern for you and your family. These pesky insects can carry diseases that can make both pets and humans sick, so it’s important to take steps to prevent an infestation.

Backyards are the place to enjoy the summer months, but they are also the perfect tick habitat when the conditions are right. To keep your yard free from worry, here are some tips on how to keep fleas and ticks out of your home this summer

  • Clean pet beds and any areas where your dog or cat likes to lay, this includes in and around the house outside in their favorite shady places (under bushes or trees).
  • Treat your pets with vet-prescribed flea and tick medication
  • Keep grass mowed, shrubs tidy, and clean out leaf piles or underbrush from your property. Ticks love areas where they can hide. Eliminate these areas and you’ll see a decrease in ticks
  • Build wildlife fencing around your yard to keep critters out who may be carrying fleas or ticks
  • Lay down gravel or wood chips around the parameter of your fence to discourage tick migration from surrounding shrubs, grasslands, forest or greenbelts.
  • Sign up for a flea and tick pest control service. Our licensed pest control professionals can assess your property and design a program that suits your needs.
mosquito control


Best Ways to Prevent Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are probably the most annoying insects of all. Not only do they prevent us from enjoying our own backyard, but their bites can cause nasty, itchy welts. The best defense, like other insects, is to make sure your yard is as uninviting as possible!

Mosquitoes love humidity and water. Make sure there is no standing water, even in small containers like planters, dog bowls, birdbaths.  Mosquitoes thrive and lay eggs in areas with standing water, so make sure you eliminate the possibilities and prevent mosquito larvae from maturing.

Hiring a professional mosquito pest control company is your best option in areas where the mosquito populations soar in warmer months. They can come out to your home on a regular basis and spray the area for mosquitoes and treat areas where larvae are hatching.

In many cases, Mosquito Control Services provides solutions for residential and commercial properties utilizing a variety of methods such as fogging, barrier control and breeding control.

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