(914) 712-6333
QualityPro Pest & Wildlife provides professional wildlife removal services throughout White Plains. Our wildlife and pest control experts provide complete services for unwanted pests. These services are provided throughout Westchester County and surrounding areas. We remove all types of nuisance animals. Some of these types may include birds, bats, snakes, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, possums, bees, rats, beavers and armadillos. Our company has been serving the area for over 30 years.Services provided by QualityPro Pest & Wildlife
QualityPro Pest & Wildlife is a complete wildlife removal and pest control company. In addition to removing unwanted animals, we provide general household pest control. We also clean up and repair any damages created by them. Common types of animal damage repairs include fascia board replacement or repair, contaminated insulation removal and insulation replacement, and removal of animal waste. Wood and drywall replacement and removal of dead animals can also be completed by our team. Are you looking for complete reliable services to handle White Plains wildlife conflicts? Look no further. We are a one stop shop, we do not subcontract out any work. All repairs are performed by our licensed wildlife repair team and our work is 100% guaranteed.White Plains, NY Bat Removal

White Plains, NY Bird Removal

Residential Bird Control
Residential bird removal often involves removing birds from vents. We receive many calls from homeowners reporting that birds have gotten into vents. Microwave vents, bathroom vents, dWhite Plainsr vents and even attics. These are all great locations for building nests. A bird nest in a home’s vent or attic is not an ideal or desired situation for homeowners. These nests often contain bird mites that can infect the home. These small creatures can cause a large amount of damage if they are not controlled quickly. We can help with all of these bird problems and more!White Plains, NY Snake Removal
Snake removal is another common need in our area on a daily basis. Snakes will often get into businesses, homes, garages and even attics. Once they are in an attic, they will burrow holes into the insulation and cause damage. This type of snake problem occurs most often during winter months. Reptile infestation is the last thing you want in your home or business. Snakes enter buildings when searching for a food source. Most of the time rodents will draw them to homes and buildings. Oftentimes the type of snakes we find are identified as a Black Snake, or a black rat snake. There are many types, some of which are venomous, so never attempt to capture them on your own. This is a time when you want to rely on experienced professionals.. Common types of snake we deal with in this area are rat snakes, garter snakes, and eastern racers. If you come into contact with a snake you should never try to kill it. Snakes don’t attack unless provoked. They would much rather avoid contact and flee. Give us a call today if you think there may be an unwanted snake in your home or property. We will safely remove all types of New York’s snakes!White Plains, NY Squirrel Removal
Squirrels are one of the most common animals seen in the country. They run about power lines, across fence tops, in roadways and can be very cute to watch. They become not so cute when they chew a hole in the side of your house and run rampant in your attic! Squirrels are one of the most destructive rodent animals to have living in your attic. These critters are constantly chewing therefore creating extensive damages. Like some other rodents, they have teeth that never stop growing so they chew on anything they can. Major damage can be caused to your home’s wires, roof supports, attic fans and gable vents. If a squirrel gets in an attic it will chew on wires and possibly roof supports. These nuisance pests are the number one cause of unexplained fires within the United States. Squirrel damage is estimated to be more than 40 million dollars a year. Don’t let these cute, uninvited, destructive guests stay in your attic. Contact us for removal and repairs.White Plains, NY Raccoon Removal