wildlife, Squirrel removal, squirrel damage

Dallas Wildlife Removal

For complete wildlife removal solutions for Dallas, TX Animal Control Solutions Wildlife Control Experts provide complete Nuisance Wildlife Removal. Our Wildlife Control services are available throughout Dallas Texas and surrounding Dallas County area.

Call 866-605-5858

We are experts at removing all types of nuisance animals such as birds, bats, snakes, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, possums, armadillos, groundhogs, beavers, muskrats, and other nuisance animals of Dallas, Texas.

We are a local company that has been providing Nuisance Wildlife Removal throughout Dallas, Texas since 1993.

We remove and control all types of Texas’ wild animals in addition to all types of animal damage repairs including Fascia Board Replacement or repair, Insulation Removal, Insulation Replacement, and animal fecal matter clean-up are just a few of our services provided.

We are a one-stop-shop, and we DO NOT subcontract any of our work. All repairs are performed by our wildlife repair team and our work is 100% guaranteed. Most wildlife removal companies will subcontract services such as insulation services because they do not have the proper equipment. This practice leads to ineffective or inferior work.

Wildlife repair work is best left to wildlife experts who are trained and licensed by the State of Texas to handle Wildlife Repair Damages.

Don’t trust an insulation company to properly disinfect your attic that has been contaminated with bat guano or animal feces. Call Animal Control Solutions today to have your animal problem solved safely and effectively.

Dallas Bat Removal

bat removal

Bats often become a nuisance animal within the Dallas Texas area. Texas bats will congregate within attics of homes, buildings, and other man-made structures. Bats are known to colonize in large colonies upwards of 1,000 bats. If you suspect that you have bats within your homes’ attic, please contact us for your no-obligation in-home inspection.

There are several types of bats within Dallas, TX that will colonize in buildings and homes attics. Common house bats are the big brown bat and the little brown bat, which are both found in this area of Texas. The photo here is representative of the damage that a bat colony can do if not properly taken care of.

bat poop, home damage, bat removal
Bat guano

The result is usually a very large amount of bat guano buildup below the areas the bats are roosting near. In this example photo, the bats were roosting in the soffit of a single-family home. These bats had been in the attic for an extended period of time causing a large build of bat guano.

Dallas Snake Removal

Cottonmouth snake, Wildlife Control, Removal Service
Cottonmouth snake found in front yard in Texas

Snake removal in the Dallas Texas area is another common call received by our office on a daily basis. Commonly snakes will get into businesses, homes, garages, basements, and even attics. Once they are in an attic, they will then burrow holes into the insulation. This type of snake problem commonly occurs most often during winter months when snakes look for food.

If rodents are in your home, you can bet the snakes will come looking for them! Snakes found indoors are most commonly identified as a Black Snake, or a black rat snake which is pictured below.

Another type of snake that we receive many calls about is a copperhead. During a copperhead’s life, there are several periods of growth. TThe first being the juvenile state and the other being a full-grown copperhead.

These are two very distinct looking creatures. The juvenile copperhead will have a very distinct color pattern and a lime green tip on its tail. As the juvenile copperhead grows, the lime green tip on its tail will fade away. It will then become a very distinctive-looking copper colored snake with black hourglass shapes that span the length of its entire body.

black snake removal, sblack snake control

This common type of snake we deal with in this area are black rat snakes, garden variety snakes, and copperheads. Copperheads are commonly found in Virginia and Texas. These are very dangerous snakes and you should never be attempted to handle without the proper safety equipment.

Give us a call today if you think you have a copperhead snake in your home or property! Do Not Attempt to Remove It!
We will safely remove all types of Texas’s snakes!

Dallas Bird Removal

pigeon, bird removal

Bird removal within Dallas Texas is also a very common call received by our office. Birds often become a nuisance during the spring and early summer months when most people are outdoors. Birds can become a nuisance to businesses when roosting on storefronts such as grocery stores, signs, and parking light fixtures. Buildings, where people eat outside such restaurants, make the area undesirable when large birds are gathering.

There are also occasions when birds will get into a grocery store, or mall causing the business a major health hazard from the possible contamination of food with bird droppings.

These birds will need to be captured and removed from inside the store or mall. This is a common service we provide for businesses throughout Texas. We have several contracts with big box stores to control bird problems. We are sure we can assist you with your bird problem as well.

Residential bird removal is also a very common service that we provide. We have many calls from homeowners where birds have gotten into vents. Such vents to watch are oven vents, bathroom vents, and even through attics. A bird nest in a home’s vent is not a safe situation for homeowners. We can help you will all of these bird problems and more!

Dallas Squirrel Removal

Squirrel removal, squirrel damage

Squirrels are one of the most common animals seen with Dallas Texas areas. Squirrels run about power lines, across fence tops, in roadways.

Squirrels are cute until they chew a hole in the side of your house and run rampant in your attic! Squirrels are one of the most dangerous rodent animals to having in your homes’ attic because of the constant chewing. They can cause major damage to your homes’ wires, roof supports, attic fans, and gable vents from this constant chewing.

Squirrels have front teeth that continue to grow, therefore their desire to chew is always present. While in an attic squirrels will chew on wires, cable TV outlets and possibly roof supports.

Squirrels are the number one cause of unexplained fires within the United States. It has been reported that squirrels cause damage totaling more than 40 million dollars a year. Don’t let these cute, uninvited, destructive guests stay in your attic. Get them out today!

Dallas Raccoon Removal

raccoon removal

Raccoons are also a common pest animal that is found within Dallas Texas. These cute animals will invade attic areas and take up residence in your home or building. Don’t be fooled by raccoons’ cute and furry appearance, they are one of the most destructive and aggressive animals to invade your home.

Raccoons in the Attic

These animals will do whatever it takes to protect their young and home. Once a raccoon has gotten into an attic, they can destroy wiring, ductwork, insulation, and attic vent fans. They will also contaminate your attic with animal feces and urine. If you suspect that you have a raccoon living in your attic, please call for a no-obligation inspection today. We have the experience to get rid of these pests before they have the opportunity to create serious damage to your home.

Animal Control Solutions of Dallas, TX provides complete Nuisance Wildlife Control services throughout Dallas and surrounding DFW areas.

Professional Wildlife Removal

Call Today for complete Wildlife Control Solutions!

CALL: 866-605-5858

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